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We thank you God for this food and wine
And for this club in which we dine
And for this club in which we dine
Let us not forget the need to care
For those who have to stand and stare
While others fill up on this bounteous fair
For those who have to stand and stare
While others fill up on this bounteous fair
May this meal that is prepared
Be seasoned from above
With your blessing and your grace
But above all your love,
Bless the chefs and all who serve us
And from indigestion Lord preserve us
Assist we pray all those in need
and relieve their suffering with due speed
And from indigestion Lord preserve us
Assist we pray all those in need
and relieve their suffering with due speed
and as we party with great gleelet’s not forget those who are at sea
and so we gather in celebration
for the N.I. ‘s birthday and it’s foundation.