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2017 Hong Kong Maritime Week Conference
‘$afe manning on board ships?’
         24th November 2017
The Nautical Institute and the members of the Hong Kong Branch are delighted to once again support the Hong Kong Maritime Week.  The 2017 edition of the Nautical Institute’s Hong Kong Biannual Conference will be held in the Special Exhibitions and Event Gallery at the Hong Kong Maritime Museum on Friday 24th November 2017, during Hong Kong Maritime Week, debating the theme “$afe Manning On Board Ships?”.
Under this provocative generic title there will be the opportunity to address a variety of topics including:
·         Recruitment, Training and Mentoring of seafarers
·         Competence management and legislation
·         Human Performance, Fatigue and Limitations
·         Accident preparedness and investigations
·         Determination of manning levels
The event will be a full day conference with a mix of international and locally based speakers from the maritime industry. The conference and concluding panel debate will be chaired by Michael Grey, a master mariner who served in command, prior to coming ashore and becoming a well respected maritime journalist, including being editor of Fairplay and Lloyd's List.
There will be lively discussion forums and debate to ensure full participation of the delegates. An excellent cross section of ship owner representatives, senior ship managers and sea going staff will attend, as well as training specialists, maritime lawyers, surveyors, insurers, and other marine professionals including the younger future generation of maritime students and cadets.
The conclusions reached will be published and used to focus the work of the Institute and, where appropriate, will lead to input to the International Maritime Organisation through the consultative status of The Nautical Institute.
For more details and regular updates, you can go to
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16 July 2024
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