AGM 2017 - NI HKG

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AGM 2017

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09 June 2017
The Nautical Institute Hong Kong Branch

Since the Hong Kong branch decided to combine its AGM with a free wine tasting, attendance has never been a problem. This year more than 50 people turned up and, despite the presence of several guests, we easily raised a quorum.
Hon. Chairman Carlos Antao opened proceedings with some apologies and the approval of the minutes of the last AGM, before giving the Chairman’s report. He described a busy year of talks and visits (which have been reported in Seaways and recorded on the branch website, so will not be repeated here). He also mentioned our laying of a wreath at the annual Remembrance Day service, and the production of a short video designed to encourage local youngsters to think about a career at sea.
Our Hon. Treasurer could not attend the AGM, so the Chairman read her report into the record. It showed that our finances remain healthy because of the generosity of a number of organisations which have sponsored events during the year, and we have sufficient funds to keep the branch going until our biennial seminar which is scheduled for November 24th and is expected to replenish our coffers for the next two years.
The branch committee is fully manned, so no new members were elected, whilst the office bearers all have another year of tenure. They are:
Hon. Chairman          Carlos Antao
Vice Chairman           Paul Walton
Hon. Treasurer          Petty Leung
Hon. Secretary          Amit Bhargava

One highlight of the AGM was the presentation of a Certificate of Fellowship to Kaushik Roy, an active member of our committee. His award was for services to both the London and Hong Kong branches, and for his many contributions to safety and mentoring. His award was greeted with approval by the members.
There being no other business, the Chairman closed the AGM and we turned to the serious business of the evening. The wine tasting was once again conducted by House of Fine Wines, and they lived up to their name by producing half a dozen different varieties which met with considerable approval. Star of the show was a particularly fine Val Doca Gold Edition prosecco which this writer found particularly drinkable. The wine experts also gave advice on what to look for when tasting.
The evening was a great success, and we are grateful to the American P&I Club for their sponsorship, and to Stephenson Harwood for help with the venue. Their support has been invaluable.

Kaushik ROY receive his certificate of Fellowship by Capt. Carlos ANTAO AFNI Chairman Hong Kong Branch

Postal Address:

The Nautical Institute Hong Kong Branch
c/o StormGeo Ltd.
3603 Wu Chung House
213 Queen's Road East
Wan Chai, Hong Kong - S.A.R  P.R. China
Copyright ©2000 - 2024 The Nautical Institute Hong Kong Branch
20 October 2024
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