agm 2023 - NI HKG

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agm 2023

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Annual General Meeting
Nautical Institute Hong Kong Branch
Wednesday 8th September 2023

Last Minutes
The adoption of the minutes of the last annual General Meeting was proposed by Kaushik Roy and seconded by Rocky Siu.
       Chairman’s Report:
The Chairperson Aalok Sharma presented a report on the activities of the Hong Kong Branch during the period 01 June 2022 – 08 September 2023.
Gaurav Mishra is relocating out of Hong Kong and thus has stepped down from the committee. Aalok on behalf of the NI Hong Kong branch thanked Gaurav for all his efforts and support over the year for the promotion of the branch and support in its activities. We wish him the very best in the years to come and success in further endeavours.
The branch had organised a range of activities an extremely successful full day seminar, Changing Face of Seafarer, as part of the NI 50th Anniversary, HKMW 2022, followed by a Mariners’ Challenge with Sailability, Crisis, Risk Management and Health and Medical Issues onboard with International SOS, and Marine Department Dragon Boat Race.
The Branch is going to organise a joint event with the ICS Hong Kong Branch during the HKMW 2023 with the theme ‘Future Manning Challenges – Bridging the Gap’.

Election of Committee members.
-        One committee member left Hong Kong and thus has stepped down from the committee namely Gaurav Mishra. The Chairman and the attending members thanked them for the effort undertaken for the branch over the years.
-        Guatam Ramaswamy proposed to invite Nittin Handa to become committee member. It is seconded by Aalok Sharma.

Election of office bearers.
None due at this time
      Other business
a)     Aalok Sharma reported the progress of organising a joint event with ICS Hong Kong Branch. A panel discussion followed by Cocktails and light buffet dinner with be held at Novotel Hotel, Wanchai.
b)     Petty Leung reported that the bank account of the branch is in progress changing to online bank account.
c)     Guatam Ramaswamy proposed that the branch should actively recommend suitable member for the election of fellowship. Members were encouraged to approach the branch for this purpose.
d)     The branch is going to organise a seminar on cyber security with George Lamplough of HFW.
e)     Gautam Ramaswamy proposed for event on gender diversity and sensitivity in the maritime community.
There being no other business, the chairperson thanked all the members for their tireless support. The meeting closed at about 1915 hrs.

Postal Address:

The Nautical Institute Hong Kong Branch
c/o StormGeo Ltd.
3603 Wu Chung House
213 Queen's Road East
Wan Chai, Hong Kong - S.A.R  P.R. China
Copyright ©2000 - 2024 The Nautical Institute Hong Kong Branch
8 January 2024
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